Thursday, October 25, 2007

a hole in my sock

it's been that kind of week. a hole in one's sock is never fun (especially when it's your last clean pair for the week)! despite the hole and despite challenging week i've had, i am super-excited for our jvc midwest retreat in dubuque, iowa (only a few short miles from the original "Field of Dreams"...and, yes, we will be playing baseball amidst the corn fields). my housemates and I will be reuniting with our fellow midwestern jvs that we first met only 2.5 months ago in tiskilwa, illinois this weekend, so it should be grand. i will be using this retreat for myself and for growing closer to the BGITS (big guy in the sky). if you read this in time, please pray for our cleveland community as well as the greater jvc midwest/domestic/international communities. i encourage all those who read my blog to comment and ask stimulating questions that I may not answer anywhere else except in da' soup. I also encourage you to check and make sure that your socks do not have any holes in them. it can be quite the tragedy. same time. same channel. same purpose.

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