Friday, September 19, 2008

say what you need to say...pretty please

do yourself a favor ( dad is always saying that!) and say what you need to say. why is this even a issue, folks? shouldn't speaking what is on your mind be obvious and automatic? in my opinion, yes it should be a given, but there is more to it than just telling someone how you really feel or explaining to someone (who doesn't even care) why something they did or said bothers you. in fact, many psychologists would say that we are protecting ourselves from further harm by avoiding confrontation and failing to express our innermost thoughts & emotions. enough already! are you worried about being hurt because of the beliefs, values and ideals that you h0ld dear or are you scared of embarrassing yourself in front of your peers (many of who will never be more than a passerby)? i mean really. what is it going to take for you to let your spouse, lover, friend, parent, sibling, neighbor know exactly how you are doing (when he or she inevitably asks you that conversation starter)? don't get me wrong, this sort of trust and security is not easy; it actually is quite difficult to attain. but in order to reach this stage, you MUST start somewhere at sometime with someone, so you might as well begin NOW. so let's get practical. next time you are in a situation where someone asks you how are you, would you please treat your own well-being with the respect that you deserve? is that too much to ask? i do not think so. chin up, look 'em straight in the eyes and let 'em know. you'll be better for it.

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