Monday, June 28, 2010

heaven on earth

the first dayof camp has come and gone. despite the extreme heat and a few parent concerns, it was a good day. our group is called the Aquanauts, and is made up of 23 first-grade boys (thankfully, the directors blessed us with six staff members & two CITs for the next 8 weeks), and our changing room has been named the Yellow Submarine. we have several first-time campers as well as some returners, so it should be a nice mixture.

i thought it would be neat to give you a brief overview of how the Aquanauts will spend their mornings & afternoons at Camp Maplewood. 

9am Round UP (it probably doesn't sound as CrAzY as it actually is--add Casey Casum's top 40 hits along with some interesting dance moves, sweat-producing push-ups, and dis-jointed congo lines and that's what you've got just about every morning!)

9:30 Skill-based game(s) (only if we all had skills like Jake K. or Sam E.)

10:15 Snack (a must for every first-grader & his teenage/adult counselor : )

10:30 Instructional Swim (nobody told our kids that they had to walk, stay inside the ropes of their respective swimming level, and that they couldn't splash others in the pool?!?) 

11am Change (this is certainly not as simple as it sounds, especially since it usually involves locating "lost" towels & socks, re-applying sunscreen to every inch of exposed skin, and escorting kids one-by-one to the bathroom ("i didn't have to go the bathroom THEN")

noon  Lunchtime (no explanation needed)

1-2pm  Specialty (i.e. art, drama, music, karate, boating a.k.a. a small break for staff)

2:30-3:30 FREE Swim (unfortunately, no Wendy Peppercorn at Camp Maplewood!?!)

3:30-4pm POW-WOW! (the good, the bad & the ugly takes place during the last 30 min.)

here's to a summer of hot days & cool treats,

Tom -- Sr. Counselor (Aquanauts)

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