#26 Stepping on A.B.C. (already been chewed) gum
You have just landed on the gooiest, stickiest patch of earth known to kid-kind, and you realize that the damage has already been done to your new pair of shoes! Nevertheless, you frantically decide to locate the nearest instrument (i.e. stick, fork, pencil, key, etc.) that might be able to pry the solely-nestled remains of Mr. Wrigley's product loose, all the while trying to maintain your balance on your clean foot.
It is to no avail.
You begin wondering who in their right mind thinks it is OK to discard their bubblegum on this here path? They couldn't have just taken another three or four steps and tossed it nicely into the proper receptacle? Noooo! They had to turn someone's day into a walking nightmare and probably are chomping furiously on another stick of gum as I ponder these thoughts...
Watch Your NEXT step!
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