Sunday, November 21, 2010

another ADVENTure is about to unfold...

so today i decided not to go to Mass for various reasons (one being that it took the patriots defense to the last minute of the 4th quarter to stop peyton manning and his high horses). ok that's no excuse, but i think it was a good decision on my part to stay home, especially since the initial shame & guilt that i felt for not attending Mass seemed juvenille and unjustified. to me, it is amazing what one can learn about oneself, if he or she takes the time to let those emotions completely unravel. i mean the interesting thing about it is that for the past 4-6 years, i have enjoyed daily/Sunday Mass wherever and with whomever i have celebrated with. i do not feel it is right to inflict punishment (i.e. "Okay, i'll pass on Mass tonight, but I must go to daily Mass all week!") on myself for s k i p p i n g  Mass. is there someone keeping score upstairs? even so, God invites us to his table in every decision and every encounter that we make. today, for one reason or another (they are all valid), i did not attend Mass and that just has to be okay with ME.

for Christ will continue to govern my life & be my king.

Jesus, remember me, when i meet you some day.

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