we be dancin' at the Q
#14 Some Unlikely March Madness
I believe it was Langston Hughes who once inquired "what happens to a dream deferred? does it dry up like a raisin in the sun or fester like a sore?" Well, Langston, I must say that last March, my wait for making it to the BIG DANCE (the NCAA Div. 1 Men's Basketball Tournament) was finally over. Here's the long and short of what happened on the afternoon, and soon after evening, of March 18th 2011...
I had just finished up my day of interning as school counselor at Roxboro Middle School in Cleveland Heights, OH and was headed to JCU's St. Francis Chapel in order to lead a group of undergrads to a local fish fry on the second Friday of Lent. Suddenly, my cell started vibrating in my pocket. It was my co-supervisor at Roxboro and new pal, David Peake. I wonder what David is calling about? I picked the call and, boy, am I glad I did. David frantically asked me if there was any way that I could escape from my Friday night plans, which I had shared with earlier that day. I immediately asked him why and what he had in mind. Unable to contain his excitement, David informed me that our colleague at Rox, Jeanne, had TWO FREE tickets to the Ohio State/UTSA at the Quicken Loans Arena, and he wanted to know if I might want to join Jeanne and him for the game tonight. Wow! I could not believe it. I muffled some disheartened comments about how I wish I could go and whether or not he knew someone else who could use the ticket. Then, in a moment of pure genius, I told him to hold on and that I would call him back momentarily. I ran as fast as I could to Sutowski Hall, where my fellow resident minister, Koli, lived. She had fortuitously just exited the building, as I approached and asked her to do me a BIG favor (cover for me at the fish fry tonight). Without hesitation, she agreed and wished me well. I couldn't believe it. I called David back and shared with him the great news. Unfortunately, I came to find out that he was not in the neighborhood and in fact, was almost downtown. He told me that the tickets would be at will-call, so I scurried to my friend's unconvincingly reliable car and sped to the Q. I did scarf down a fish fillet sandwich and small fry from McDonald's en route, because it was Friday during Lent and I did not want to pay an arm and a leg for food at the arena. When I finally arrived at the will-call, I received a text message from David (that I still have saved on my phone to this day):
From: David Peake
Got tx to the next game too. Wanna stay?
Mar 18, 5:37pm
By now, I am sure you know my response to that easy question. As I made my way to my seat, I was moved by the electricity in the Q as well as the sea of Ohio State fans whose red apparel flooded my vision. I immediately, gave David and Jeanne handshakes and hugs and plopped down in my seat. I still couldn't believe this was happening? Incredible.
While Ohio State was blowing out their opponent in the middle of the second half, Jeanne leaned over towards David and I and shared with us some additional news. She informed us that she and her date would be leaving the Q shortly after the first game. We could have all four of their tickets to the the third and final game of the evening (Syracuse vs. Indiana State)! David and I just gawked at what had taken place over these past couple of hours.
As the night continued to unfold, David and I got the opportunity to learn more about each other and shared our own play-by-play and color commentaries. By about midnight, we were beat, after watching about seven hours of intense collegiate basketball. At that hour, I had assumed an attitude of deep gratitude not only for my serendipitous attendance at the NCAA tourney, but also for the birth of a new friendship with David. I don't think David or I will ever forget that memorable March night at the Q.
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