Someone once said, and many have repeated, that "the best things in life are FREE!" While this seemingly goes without saying, I cannot think of a more valuable use of my time than engaging in spiritual direction.
For me, spiritual direction has sort of assumed a life of its own over these past six or seven years. I started receiving spiritual direction when I was an undergrad at PC, but have since continued seeking out individuals (both men and women) who I consider to be pretty decent spiritual companions & mentors. To each his/her own, I have learned about true patience, humility, forgiveness and peace through our conversations, correspondences and interactions. I have left their presence smiling from dimple to dimple as well as with tears streaming down my cheeks.
I am forever grateful for the time, talent and treasures that have been shared with me by these men and women for others and will continue to pray for their heavenly work here on earth.
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